Indigo Textile (Pvt) Ltd | Engineering MTO Program

Attention all recent graduates! Are you looking for an exciting career opportunity to kickstart your career? Indigo Textile Pvt. Ltd is currently seeking fresh MTO's to join in their team.

Eligibility Criteria:
Fresh graduates having at least 16 years'education from Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized institutes with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 inthe fallowing disciplines are eligible to apply: 
Hectrical Engineering 
Mechanical Engineering 
Textile Engineering 
Textile Sciences 
Applied Chemistry 
Industrial Engineering 
and should have following skills:
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to work in a team environment. 
Positive attitude, be eager to learn and take on new challenges, and have a passion for the industry they are working in. Additionally, expected to adhere to the company's policies and procedures and maintain high ethical standards. 

Job Location: - Port Qasim, Karachi Send Resume at HR@INDIGO.COM.PK Mention Position in subject line

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